We are a team of volunteers always looking for more helping hands. Whether you are a coach, a writer, a parent, or just looking to dedicate your time to our cause, we welcome you with open arms!

The only criteria at this time is that you must be 18 years or older.

Application Disclaimer

I certify that all information I have provided in order to apply for and secure volunteer work with Seniors Fight Back is true, complete, and correct.

I expressly authorize, without reservation, the employer, its representatives, employees, or agents to contract and obtain information from all references (personal and professional), employers, public agencies, licensing authorities and educational institutions and to otherwise verify the accuracy of all information provided by me in this application, resume, or job interview. I hereby waive any and all rights and claims I may have regarding the employer, its agents, employees or representatives, for seeking, gathering and using truthful and non-defamatory information, in a lawful manner, in the employment process and all other persons, corporations or organizations for furnishing such information about me.

I understand that this employer does not unlawfully discriminate in employment and no question on this application is used for the purpose of limiting or eliminating any applicant for consideration for employment on any basis prohibited by applicable local, state, or federal law.

I understand that any information provided by me that is found to be false, incomplete or misrepresented in any respect, will be sufficient cause to (i) eliminate me from further consideration for employment, or (ii) may result in my immediate discharge from the employer’s service, whenever it is discovered.